Potjiekos Competition Pretoria Zoo
Potjiekos Competition Pretoria Zoo The Pretoria Zoo is a prime venue for Potjiekos Competitions. Team Building quotations for the Pretoria Zoo Potjiekos include entrance, safe parking inside the zoo, coffee and pastries, 11h00 o’clock refreshments, and lunch served with six assorted salads. 09h00 - Coffee, Muffins, Cheese Savories, Mini Yoghurts Ice Breakers and Fun Group Activities. Ice Breakers include “People to People”, “38”, “Ching Cho Cha”, etc. Treasure Hunt on Golf Cars Each team get an UV Torch, and have to find clues written with Invisible Ink. Clues include riddles and puzzles, and one clue leads to another – pretty much like the Hollywood blockbuster “Da Vinci Code” - - ☼♤☩♡ ⊕ ♬☆ ➾ ☏. Dividing Teams ±10pp/team We will divide the teams. Everybody get a random number. All the “number 1’s” would be in a team, and all the “number 2’s” in another team, etc. Ten people per team works great. 11h00 Refreshment Break Fruit Juices (200ml), Bottle...